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Foundation Class 基礎班-Face to face
For children who have progressed from Nursery Class or beginners
EndedEndedKnight Avenue
180 British pounds
Service Description
Foundation course is designed for children who have progressed from Nursery Class or are not previously familiar with the Chinese Language. They will learn simple daily conversation skills and start to recognise simple Chinese characters. There will also be games, Chinese pop songs and culture activities to enrich their Chinese learning experience. The textbook we use for this class is go! CHINESE 100. 基礎班是為已經完成幼兒園班或對中文還不熟悉的孩子們所設置。孩子們將學習基本日常對話,並開始認讀一些基本的中文字。同時也會有遊戲、學唱中文流行歌及文化課程來豐富孩子們的中文學習歷程。 這個班級使用的教材是 go! CHINESE 100.

Contact Details
The Canterbury High School, Knight Avenue, Canterbury CT2 8QA, UK
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