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Nursery Class 幼兒園班-Small group online
For children aged 3 to 6 適合3-6歲幼童
EndedEndedKnight Avenue
120 British pounds
Service Description
Our extra Nursery class online lessons will run as a small private tutoring setup with no more than 6 children in a group for one-hour intensive lessons. 我們額外的幼兒園班線上課採用的是小班制家教式網課,一個班級最多六個人,進行一個小時的密集課程。 Young children will be immersed in a rich environment of the Chinese Language. Through games, singing, dancing and nursery rhymes delivered in 100% Chinese Language, children will naturally get a basic grasp of conversation, simple rhymes and have lots of fun! The textbook we use for this class is Living Mandarin K1-K3. 藉由遊戲、唱歌、跳舞、童謠等活動方式,讓孩子們沉浸在100%全中文的教學環境,自然而然、開心的學中文。 這個班級使用的教材是 生活華語K1-K3.
Contact Details
The Canterbury High School, Knight Avenue, Canterbury CT2 8QA, UK
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